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Solving behavior problems in autism. Improving communication with visual strategies.

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Solving behavior problems in autism. Improving communication with visual strategies.

Linda Hodgdon's new book provides a very practical approach to recognizing the complexity of behavior management for students with autism spectrum disorders and other students with communication and behavior challenges. Continuing the approach of supporting communication with visual strategies, this book is packed with problem solving techniques. You will find zillions of samples and examples of visual tools and strategies that have been used effectively to solve behavior problems.

This is the second book in the Visual Strategies series. It follows the same style and format as the bestselling Visual Strategies for Improving Communication. It is another resource guaranteed to provide practical help for every educator or parent who faces students with behavior and self-management challenges. This book will delight you!.

I. Their link between behavior, communication and visual strategies.
1. What do we know about behavior ?.
2. Understanding communication.
3. What are visual strategies ?.
II. Assessment considerations.
4. Evaluating behavior situations.
III. Improving communication.
5. The keys to becoming a better communication partner.
6. Seven critical communication skills to teach.
IV. Using virtual strategies to support communication and solve behavior problems.
7. Visual tools to improve understanding.
8. Strategies to help students control their environments.
9. Using visual tools to regulate behavior.
10. Improving language skills with visual tools.
11. Tools to support self-management.
V. Implementing visual tools and support.
12. Developing visual tools.
13. Addressing special needs.
VI. The questions and concerns.
14. What to do when things don´t go well.
15. Common causes for unsuccessful behavior management.
16. Frequently asked questions.
VII. Conclusion.
17. Raising and teaching successful students.

Editorial: Quirk Roberts
ISBN: 9780961678623
Pàgines: 253
Idioma: Castellà
Enquadernació: Rústica

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